20 exceptional examples of websites built with HubSpot Content Hub

Dan Stillgoe avatar
Dan Stillgoe

Jun 28, 2023

examples of hubspot websites

For a B2B website to effectively drive business growth, it needs to be more than an online brochure, it needs to help buyers perform research and convert visitors into leads. The user experience, design, copy, performance, and structure of your site all play their part in achieving this... as does the CMS that acts as the foundation to your website.

In our opinion, when it comes to creating your B2B website, HubSpot Content Hub is hard to beat. It takes care of the technical stuff, such as managing complex server infrastructure and software patches, and provides a platform that is reliable, secure, and fast.

With in-built features, such as smart content, A/B testing, SEO tools, landing pages, and the option to fully integrate your CRM and marketing automation software, it's a great foundation on which to build a buyer-centric website that provides a frictionless user experience.

Examples of websites built with HubSpot 

HubSpot gives businesses the flexibility to build their website from scratch, or use pre-built themes and templates to bring their vision to life. As the #1 HubSpot Website Agency, we don't use templates or tweak themes. We specialise in designing bespoke B2B websites on the HubSpot CMS - and have built over 120 of them!

To inspire you, here are 20 examples of bespoke, tailored websites that we've built on HubSpot that support B2B demand generation and give businesses a market-leading presence while keeping user experience at the heart.

Considering creating a website using HubSpot CMS? Book your free demo of  HubSpot CMS and Content Hub tools.

Second Nature

Second Nature – Homepage

Second Nature's website reflects their commitment to enhancing the lives of residents. The homepage has an engaging, looping video, that gives a quick insight into what the software looks like. The entire website has a vibrant, positive design, blending product imagery and relatable stock photos, which perfectly captures the essence of their target audience.

Offering a seamless and intuitive user experience, it directs visitors to valuable informational content and is optimised for demo requests.


Partful- Homepage

Partful's website offers a creative and engaging experience. Video, animation, and high-quality photos blend together to clearly showcase their product. The header section has a unique design that includes the key elements you need to see first: the core message, call-to-action, and social proof. Their vibrant colour palette highlights important elements like value propositions and calls-to-action.


Labguru Featured Image-1

Labguru's website is a fantastic example of punishing the boundaries of creativity on HubSpot CMS. It's a beautiful extension of their brand and brings it to life digitally. Throughout the website, there is a strategic use of animation to communicate clear value propositions and to visually showcase the platform. The website user experience seamlessly guides buyers to key pieces of information and ultimately, demo requests.

As with all life science companies, showing data and research is extremely important. Labguru has made use of HubDB to create a Resource Hub that's easy to maintain from an editor's perspective, and easy to navigate from a user perspective.

Acre Security

6_acre laptop mobile mockup

Acre's website showcases its vibrant brand and delivers a compelling message through clear and bold design elements. As soon as visitors land on the homepage, they are greeted by an animated logo that dynamically morphs and captivates, perfectly embodying the forward-thinking brand.

As you navigate through the website, a consistent look and feel follow you, ensuring a cohesive visual identity. Stock imagery is thoughtfully treated with brand colours, maximising every opportunity for brand recall and creating a seamless journey throughout the site. The navigation is designed to be both simple and effective, guiding visitors effortlessly through the content. And strategically placed clear call-to-action buttons use direct text, providing visitors with a distinct path to high-intent conversions.

CHI Overhead Doors

CHI Featured_Image

CHI's website reflects its premium brand with a clean design and high-end photography. It features custom functionality, such as an advanced search built with HubDB that lets users find their ideal model with ease. Clear paths and journeys cater to residential and commercial buyers, making it easy to find the information required and request a quote when ready.



Equiem's website is everything you'd want for a SaaS business. The brand's look is consistent across the site, with colours used thoughtfully in text and images, while the logo elements stand out against the backgrounds. The design balances software and lifestyle imagery to demonstrate how the platform works while appealing to buyers with relatable photography.

When you get into the website, the user experience makes it easy for visitors to explore Equiem's offering, while optimised conversion paths capture high-intent demos to increase pipeline.


WVN Website-1-1

Wavenet's website has a sleek, clean, modern tech design. Image masks transform standard stock photos into a distinctive style, while ample white space improves readability and scannability, which provides a fresh appearance. Strategic use of colour and icons effectively separates market solutions, creating a user-friendly experience that aligns with the website's primary objective: high-intent website conversions.


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Breathe's website takes full advantage of HubSpot CMS's advanced features. The mega nav segments Breathe's products into categories, with clear titles and explainers, to help visitors navigate their compelling portfolio. The website also features a dynamic filterable partner directory that helps users find the right partners for their needs.

An interactive pricing page helps prospects get a clear understanding of costs associated with Breathe's software, by allowing users to tailor their quote based on the size of their business and the products that they require. A portfolio of digital calculators helps to increase engagement and supports pipeline generation.

Allica Bank


Allica Bank's website utilises video in its homepage hero to reflect the businesses they help. This creates an instantly engaging experience that visitors can resonate with. The website uses photography strategically with brand assets overlayed to create a connection between the visitor and their business.

The navigation is clean and well executed to cater to both new and existing customers, ensuring all visitors can seamlessly reach their desired goals.


DTL Website-1-1

Datel's website is a perfect extension of their brand. Hand-drawn illustrations take centre stage, working in combination with clear messaging to reflect their innovative solutions. With careful integration of their iconic red square, a seamless and consistent visual theme is maintained throughout the website.

By combining proven website UX principles with a distinctive visual style, every page offers an intuitive experience, guiding users to key information and conversion points.


4_BCAS laptop mobile

BCAS' website stands out with its unique design and stylish photography, perfectly complementing their brand. Once you land on the homepage, you're greeted with clear positioning and eye-catching visuals that continue to impress throughout the site.

The interactive globe module showcases BCAS' best crypto-friendly locations, fitting in beautifully with the overall design. The website offers an intuitive and engaging user experience, effortlessly guiding visitors to important information. Plus, they've got well-defined conversion paths, ensuring it's optimized to generate a strong pipeline.



Greyparrot's website is bold, vibrant, and exciting. It immediately catches the attention of visitors with its visually stunning design and captivating elements. The homepage, in particular, features an engaging background video that draws visitors in and immerses them in the website.

To maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the website, brand elements from the logo are strategically placed behind visuals. This not only reinforces the brand identity but also adds a touch of creativity and uniqueness to the overall design. 

Greyparrot's product pages are brought to life with engaging animated visuals. These visuals effectively showcase the features and functionalities of the platform, making it easier for visitors to understand the value it provides.


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Biocair's website engages a global audience and is primed to support the business as it scales into new regions. The brand reflects its global operations, giving them a corporate feel to promote trust and transparency. Bold imagery and video add striking visual elements to the site, showcasing the people of Biocair as well as their expertise. The navigation helps visitors find the information they need quickly and easily.

An interactive map helps visitors locate regional offices within Biocair's global network. Built using HubDB, the map can be easily updated by the marketing team as they grow their network of office locations. Smart CTAs display the details of the regional salesperson nearest to the visitor, adding a personal touch. The addition of a language switcher to the website header means Biocair can display multi-language variations of their content in different regions.

Power Framework


Power Framework's website uses the strength of their vibrant brand to stand out and demonstrate the value of their solution.

Dynamic video content and stylised screenshots give the user an immersive experience even before they request a demo. Simple, accessible navigation makes it easy for visitors to learn more about the tool and discover Power Framework’s industry expertise in the Resource Hub. The improved user journey guides visitors to key conversion points. 

The Room

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The Room's website provides a unique user experience for two distinct audiences - influencers and brands. The website and navigation have been split into two sections, each with its own vibrant colour scheme. Each section features its own blog, resources, and calls to action, providing clear conversion points tailored to the needs of its audiences.

Powerful copy conveys the Room’s message of finding true love in authenticity. The vibrant design, with its hand-written style, bespoke icons, animation, and distinct shapes, add personality to the brand while keeping a consistent look and feel across the site.

Build a B2B website that attracts, engages and converts visitors - read our  complete guide here.

Supply Pilot


Built on HubSpot CMS, Supply Pilot's website is bold, informative and intuitive to use. Above the fold, the homepage instantly combines bold branding, clear positioning, and strategic placement of social proof to make an instant first impression. Supply Pilot uses product visuals in combination with stylised stock imagery to resonate with their audience. Clear page layouts and effective web copy means that pages are easily scannable and visitors can find the information they need as quickly as possible.

The Resource Hub is a great example of HubDB in action. It serves buyers with a highly tailored experience, which they can filter by industry, role, and stage in the buying journey.


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An effective combination of website technology and design provides Shawcity's website visitors with a modern, intuitive eCommerce experience. The integration of Shopify creates a reliable, robust, and sophisticated eCommerce store that offers customers a simple and frictionless user experience.

The homepage clearly defines what Shawcity offer, and the benefits of using their products and services. The sub-navigation tab segments their products into categories, helping visitors to find and purchase the right products easily. Strategically placed CTA buttons guide visitors towards their online store and featured products.


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Ecrebo's website clearly communicates how their software can support retailers to grow their sales using POS data. The simple navigation tab helps provide a smooth customer journey, guiding visitors to the SEO-optimised product pages, with custom illustrations, snappy copy, and testimonials that showcase the benefits of the software.

An innovative 'tour' page shows how the software works and makes it clear how it can be used by retailers to deliver personalised offers and messages. The addition of clear calls to action steers visitors to key conversion points, supporting pipeline generation. The website is nicely tied together with a modern, bold and clean brand.


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Biostrata's website displays its unique value proposition and promotes its services with clarity and confidence. The visually striking website reflects the expertise, experience, and passion of the agency. Subtle animations, abstract imagery, and a tree diagram format enhance the scientific aspect of their brand and establish their unique identity.

The improved navigation and clear CTAs provide an intuitive customer journey. The website not only demonstrates Biostrata's marketing prowess, but perfectly reflects their affinity with their target audience.

Foundation IT

Blog post FIT

Foundation IT's website stands out from the crowd, with its bold colours, abstract style, and clear brand messaging. No corporate blue, no stock imagery, Foundation IT’s site is as unique as they are, representing their people, process and offers. The addition of animation to the homepage and short snappy copy help differentiate their brand in a congested marketplace.

Considering using HubSpot CMS for your website?

If you're considering using HubSpot CMS for your website but are unsure if the platform is right for you, book a demo with one of our experts.

Our CMS specialist will guide you through:

  1. An overview of HubSpot CMS and Content Hub's key features
  2. A live demonstration of the website editing experience
  3. A showcase of the AI tools available in Content Hub

If you have any questions about the platform, we'll answer them for you, enabling you to make an informed decision.

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