Remarkable Group

HubSpot onboarding at scale

Project type

HubSpot Onboarding

Services provided

HubSpot Services


United Kingdom

Remarkable Group, the independent agency network including Sagittarius, Nemetos Tanasuk, Ultimedia and most recently Unify, needed HubSpot implementation support from Blend to onboard their team onto the HubSpot CRM, and Sales and Marketing Hubs.

The challenge

Remarkable Group is a big organisation. It’s made up of five separate companies, and each business has multiple teams within it. Our challenge was to deliver the group an onboarding service that would engage people and wider teams. And customise it for each business in the group.

Making onboarding engaging at scale  

Trying to onboard every team across all group companies at the same time wouldn’t be an engaging experience.

We wanted each session to be collaborative, productive, and interactive. So, we broke them down into smaller workshops and tailored them to the different teams in each business.

Delivering workshops that worked for everyone

We gave each workshop a unique theme and highlighted which sessions would be most beneficial for each team.

We ran each training workshop several times, allowing for more intimate, interactive sessions with smaller groups.

Workshops included:

  • An admins-only portal tour of the HubSpot settings and reporting features
  • Sales-focused sessions on how to set up deals, pipelines, and forecasting
  • Marketing masterclasses on how to use HubSpot’s tools, such as campaigns, SEO tools, social, CTAs, forms, and workflows to attract, convert and nurture leads

We followed up with bespoke workshops based on the needs of each business, e.g. lifecycle stages and specific reporting.

The Remarkable Group 4


The smaller workshops allowed for more open discussion and gave the teams an opportunity to use and test the portal during the training. As a result, Remarkable Group have a better understanding of the HubSpot CRM suite, meaning they can use the features of the platform more efficiently.

We also advised on the integration of HubSpot with Remarkable Group's operations and finance management systems, which enables the sharing of client information effectively thorough the organisation creating a single customer view that has already produced valuable insights and results.

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