How to repurpose your blog content
Oct 04, 2023
What should you do if the blog set up by your technology company attracts less traffic than you hoped for?
Blogging is an essential component in B2B content marketing and the inbound methodology and the number one way of driving new, high quality traffic to your site.
But what if yours is one of the hundreds, if not thousands, of technology companies that are blogging regularly but failing to drive any significant traffic from it?
If you've been blogging for six months or more, the effect of your blogs post on organic search traffic should be instantly obvious. A year or more of blogging and organic traffic to your blog should be greater than to your main site.
If this isn’t the case for your company blog, you're probably making one or more of the following common mistakes.
Patting yourselves on the back by writing about every little bit of news at your company, or simply renaming your news page 'blog' is missing the point of blogging for lead generation entirely.
None of your potential customers are searching for news of your latest round of funding, most recent executive hire, most recent project win or your Investors in People Award. Not one.
Is this stuff important to a business, sure it is. But it has no place among your lead generation content or on your blog. So ditch it.
An even greater sin than the above. Publishing press releases and calling it a blog is just plain lazy and isn't going to fool anyone.
Again, the subject of your press release is highly unlikely to be the subject of a potential customer's search. Plus, press releases typically make terrible reading.
Tempting though it may be to squeeze extra mileage out of those costly press releases, don’t bother.
There is an awful lot of content out there. If your pitching at general topics within your industry, you're up against a whole lot of competition.
If you don’t target your blog posts at your ideal buyers, they are going to have no reason to choose yours over anyone else appearing in the same search result.
Identify your key personas and target your blog posts specifically at them.
At the beginning of the buying process, where blogs are most effective, technology buyers search for their problems, not for the solutions, which they haven't yet selected or even identified.
When they search, the terms they use are all about their problems. Therefore, if you only write about your products or services, you will miss out on your opportunity to reach and engage these early stage buyers.
No matter how hard it seems, focus on problems and only use product references when absolutely necessary.
Writing about problems, not products is a good first step, but it's not enough. Failure to optimise your blog post around the natural, long tail search terms that early stage buyers use to describe their problems will result in failure to be seen by this audience.
Align your post titles, meta titles, descriptions, internal links, social mentions and any other known ranking factors around specific, long tail, problem related keywords.
Your potential buyers are all unique individuals in unique situations with unique problems. This means that they use an enormous range of search terms to explain a wide range of problems that may all have one solution - yours.
To see a measurable results from your blogging you will typically need to blog regularly for at least six months.
After this, results typically grow at a faster rate, rewarding those that are consistent and persistent up to and beyond this point.
It's not unusual for technology companies to start out blogging regularly then stop, either when results are not immediately evident or through other factors.
When a blog is regularly updated, all posts, even old ones can contribute significantly to organic search traffic generation.
If, however, you stop blogging, every day that passes without an update will erode the traffic generation potential of the whole.
Don’t stretch yourself too far early on. Set a realistic level of content production that you can sustain for the long term.
If your company's blog is up and running but not generating enough traffic, you've already done the hardest part - you've started.
It can be hard for technology companies going inbound to remove themselves and their products from their blogging, as without these it can feel like there is little to write about. If this is your problem, you're not alone.
Whatever the cause of your lack lustre traffic results, with the blog up and running, its only tweaks and adjustments to your strategy that are needed to fix it.
Download our guide to b2b blogging now to find out everything you need to know to get your blog performing like it should.